My Favorite Sherlock Holmes videos – part 7

Ok, I’ll have to admit I’m just a wee bit bias on this one, but figured “Hey! This is my blog. I can share my own fan video, I can!”

So I shall.

It’s nothing like “Wow! That’s amazing!”. It’s just something I did for fun using Google’s Search Stories. It’s an interesting way of telling a story. You may have seen Google’s Super Bowl 2010 adorable “Parisian Love” ad.

BTW, I had no control over what the results would be, I only picked the kind of results (regular web results, maps, images, etc).

It’s fun, so go try it out for yourself!

I’ll add that my favorite fan Search Story was made by Hank Green (DFTBA NERFFIGHTERS!). It’s not Sherlock Holmes, but about another literary character, a certain boy wizard, who I feel has the same crazy fame that Holmes had it his heyday (including crazy but fervently loyal, devout fans!)

March 4th, 2011 by