A place for everything…

twitterFor a long time I had been looking for a way to separate my tweets from my regular blog posts.  There are times when I don’t have time to post and so for weeks, all that would show up on the blog would be tweets, which can be off-putting for you, the visitor.

A couple weeks ago I found a great Worpress plugin, Ozh’ Tweet Archiver. and put it in a separate WordPress install. But the tweets were doubled.  Same tweet, one for the subject title and another for the body of the post..  Ozh had a theme for his Archiver, but I could not get it to work.

After doing some testing, I found a theme that worked: called P2.  Doesn’t look as cool as Ozh’s, but it’s clean. and does not double the tweets.  I still need to add in the whole archive of my tweets.

So if you are the kind of person who likes reading tweets, you can visit My Tweets. I’ll be taking down the last few tweet archives in the blog since they just are clutter.

July 22nd, 2014 by