I answered this question earlier on Day 3, so I’ll give a different answer for this one.
A whole bunch come to mind, but the one I keep “but this one was totally awesome!”, and that is City of Death. It has the 4th Doctor, Romana II arriving in Paris, France in 1979. They encounter Inspector Duggan and soon after, the very suspicious Count and Countess Scarlioni.
Some great time traveling within the episode (always a plus in my book), a great almost-meet-historical-figure scene. The interesting invention by the scientist. And there is the great cameo by John Cleese and Eleanor Bron.
I’m afraid of saying anything more than that for any of you who might not have seen it. But it is highly recommended!
Back in 1993, I visited Paris, and of course while I was there I visited the Louvre. While being amazed by all the different types of artwork that was there (I think this is also where i saw Vincent Van Gogh’s work. Either way, that guy used really think paint strokes. Wow!) I went by the Mona Lisa. And the painting is smaller than you would expect it to be. My family and I walked from one side to another, noticing that her eyes always seem to be following us (one of those ingenious tricks that Leonardo played with?). And I would sometimes laugh to myself, wanting to ask the guide if there is anything written on the back of the painting? Didn’t get enough nerve to do that.
Next on the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Favorite Actress
The enemy of the Doctor who helped save Doctor Who: the Daleks. Probably the most famous enemy that the Doctor has. And they were there from almost day1, While not my favorite enemy (I feel they are used waaay tooo much), they are cool and intimidating, and loud. Also cool to draw.
Again, a tie!
Classic Who
Genesis of the Daleks is my first pick. The story that introduced Davros. And in Tom Baker’s first season as the 4th Doctor., only his 4th story.
My other favorite Classic Who story is Remembrance of the Daleks. Aired during season 25. I think that they should have made this the 25th anniversary episode instead of Silver Nemesis, but the BBC knew better (*clears throat* ahem). It takes place in and around Coal Hill school in November 1963, right after the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara had left. And we see the junkyard again (albeit the door to the junkyard is not right, but that’s me being nit-picky)
And one of my favorite little bits. Made me freak when I first watched it. Weird Real World/In Universe type of things.
Sadly, due to weird copyright issues, this one (along with just a few other Classic Who Dalek stories) is not on BritBox.
New Who
Got to be Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar. One of the reasons why I loved series 9.
Side Note
And a special acknowledgement for the Peter Cushing’s films as Dr. Who from the 1960s. Only two were made, and both had the Daleks. I have not seen these since I was a young fan, and have been meaning to re-watch them. After 30 years, it will be like watching it for the first time.
Next on Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Least Favorite Season/Series
I’ll give a different answer than my answer to what my favorite story arc is because both of those were from the Classic era and both lasted the whole season.
And this one is fairly easy, especially since this season was recently released for the first time on Blu Ray earlier this year. That would be season 12, Tom Baker’s first season as the Doctor.
I hope to one day write a review for this recent boxset, because…really… all the extras…it is amazing! Maybe that had an impact of this being my favorite season? Maybe I might change my mind in a year or three. But this is a really good one!
Anyway, this season’s stories are:
Robot (4 parts)
The Ark in Space (4 parts)
The Sontaran Experiment (2 parts)
Genesis of the Daleks (6 parts)
Revenge of the Cybermen (4 parts)
It has three of the great enemies of the Doctor. And in Robot, the only alien in it is the Doctor (I always find those type of stories interesting). Genesis of the Daleks is reason enough alone to say this is the best season, but all the other stories are great too!
Next in the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Saddest Moment
To help get this blog going again, I’m going to take on a Doctor Who 30 Day challenge (there are several out there, I picked one I liked). The image below is the lineup of challenges, and I hope to have them done by the time the new Doctor makes her (it is weird to write that) appearance. If I am really lucky, I can do it on consecutive days. The below challenge is one I found on the Doctor Who group on Amino.
Day 1 – Favorite Doctor
Right, let’s start with the most asked/biggest question, shall we?
Most of my 30+ years of being a Whovian, the 4th Doctor – the jelly baby offering, loooong scarf wearing, teethy grinning, “Do I have the right?” saying – has always been at the very top of my list. I love them all, but the 4th just has not been out-beaten. Not exactly a controversial favorite since almost everyone loves him, some exclusively only him.
But a couple years ago he became tied by the 12th Doctor. The angry eyebrows, hair of amazing, sonic shade wearing, guitar playing actor who was an ultra Doctor Who fan from toddler age and wrote sooo many fan letters to the BBC as a child and teen that some people at the BBC wished he would go away – has been tied with 4 since the end of series 9. (And I noticed that he is the 4th numbered Doctor in New Who. Coincidence?). Part of the reason why he is tied is how he played the role. Another reason is how Peter interacts with fans, going above and beyond the normal expectations of someone famous.I’m going to miss him sooo much! :'(
Recommended episodes
4th Doctor
Genesis of the Daleks
City of Death
12th Doctor
The Magician’s Apprentice/Witch’s Familiar (2 parts)
Undere the Lake/Before the Flood (another 2 parts – and immediately follows the 2 parter above)
The Eaters of Light
Post Script – It took me 5 days to write this (well, and the fitting of things onto the page). Don’t think I can do one everyday, but I hope to finish the challenge before series 11 starts!