Okay, I have a whole bunch that I love (does every scene in his movies count?), but narrowing it down to just two.
The first one I have mentioned before (Day 6 – Favorite First National): From “The Kid” (100 years old this year! Huzzah! Soundtrack that Chaplin wrote is 50 years old this year! Huzzah again!). Below is from the official Chaplin YouTube channel (I was so happy when they uploaded the whole scene! YAY!)
A favorite vlogger of mine, Jordan from the YouTube channel “Daze with Jordan the Lion“, does Hollywood and musician locations, usually in the Los Angeles area. About 4 years ago he visited a couple location from The Kid: one (at was the alley where we first see Charlie walking towards the camera) is at about 7:56. The other alley (starting at 14:28) from the ending of the above scene.