Charlie, wearing his tree costume from Shoulder Arms
Oh boy. I’m going to be jumping all around his timeline!
Well, maybe 1918. Right when he starting rolling with his studio and around the time when he was working on creating United Artists. Watching the making of Shoulder Arms. That would be cool 🙂
Second would be the filming of Limelight.
Charlie as Billy the Pageboy in “Sherlock Holmes” play
And in 1894, to sit in the audience when he took the stage at the first time at 5 years old to save his mom when she had a breakdown on stage and people were booing her. To divert their wrath, he started to sing and everyone loved him.
And, as a Sherlockian, an absolute must would be to watch one of his performances as Billy the pageboy in the Sherlock Holmes play, with either William Gillette or H. A. Saintsbury as Holmes.
Just now I released how I started this article, and is somewhat fitting. “Oh boy” was the signature line said in one of my favorite TV shows, “Quantum Leap“, about a guy who time travels by leaping into people’s bodies.
I’m a casual Star Trek fan. I don’t own any ST memorabilia, VHS tapes, DVDs, soundtracks, or anything like that. I just enjoy watching the show. And I was looking forward to seeing the new one that was released a couple weeks ago. The last one I saw in theaters was First Contact. I heard so many bad things about the last two that I did not bother.
I watched it a few days ago and it still is running through my head. This new one really kicks! Oh my gosh! It throws you into the action right away and doesn’t let go until the credits. I think I blinked 3 times, maybe 4.
First, the cast was great. The main characters look and act the way you expect them to be. You didn’t need to try and keep track of who was supposed to be who. That was awesome! Except for Nero. I’m no expert but I don’t remember ever seeing bald Romulans. That took a little while to figure out and remember.
Leonard Nimoy is in it as an older Spock! And I’m not giving away anything with that. He appears in the trailer.
Time travel. Always love time travel stories. There have been some complaints that it using time travel has been used to much in sci fi. But then again so has using aliens and traveling around in space :P. I say, if it’s used wisely, go for it! And I had no trouble with it.
Roman history. Having been a huge history fan and currently writing a time travel story taking place at different times of the Roman Republic and Empire, I was enjoying spotting the ancient Roman references. I had never really paid attention to them before in Star Trek, until I began to study more about Roman culture and history while writing my time travel story.
No secret that the T in Kirk’s middle name stands for Tiberius. Tiberius was one of the big Julio-Claudian emporers of Rome, sandwiched in-between Augustus Caesar and Caligula. Then there’s the villain of the movie, Nero, who shares the same name as one of the other Julio-Claudian Roman emperors.
And then there’s Spock’s race, Vulcan. In Roman mythology, Vulcan was the god of fire and blacksmiths and walked with a limp because his mother, Juno, thought he was an ugly baby and threw him off of Mount Olympus (that’s gotta hurt!). After falling for a day and a night, he landed in the water, breaking his leg. I have not figured out any connection with Spock’s race and the Roman god though :/
Then there are the Romulans. They have two home planets Romulus and Remus, which are also the same names of the twin founders of Rome. The Romulan form of government is modeled after the Roman Republic (which existed between the Roman Kingdom and Roman Empire)
Sherlock Holmes. For the second time (or would it be the first? hmmm… ) Spock quotes the great detective “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. Being a long time Sherlockian, I was sitting there lip syncing the quote :D. The first time was Star Trek VI “The Undiscovered Country” where Spock credits a ancestor of his.   The quote is originally from one of four Holmes novels, “The Sign of Four”, and one of the best of the 56 stories (To see the quote in action, watch this it’s 6:18 of the way through, though I recommend the whole video. The amazing Jeremy Brett plays Holmes, with Edward Hardwicke as Watson). For more Sherlock Holmes/Star Trek connections check this page out.
Lack of nude scenes/unnecessary language
The trailer made it seem like there was a heavy making out scene between Kirk and another woman. Turned out that he was wearing shorts and the girls was green (classic TOS green skin) and wearing a bikini. (gasp!) No nudity? What was Abrams thinking?? (and yes, I am being sarcastic 😉 )
And I didn’t realize it until after it was over, but there was only a couple bad words in it. Kudos for that as well!
There isn’t a whole lot of negative things I can say about the movie. Other than there being bald Romulans. And I’m not to crazy about the Spock/Uhura matchup.  Also Chekov had blond curly hair which was different. But the personality and accent was good. Funny scene when he’s trying to give the computer a command and the computer does not understand because of his thick Russian accent :D.
Favorite scenes
Just about every scene with Scotty was great. James Doohan would have liked him.
Leonard Nimoy is awesome (as always) as Spock! In this case he’s referred to in the credits as Spock Prime. And wow to young Spock meeting older Spock. In fandom, that would definitely be a squee! moment.
New, unknown crew member? You know what that means!
Nice fight scene on the drill with Kirk and Sulu versus the two Romulans. And the diving was pretty cool.
A tear for the destruction of Vulcan :'(
And just about everything was great. As I said earlier, I barely blinked. It moves along at a good pace. I’m getting the DVD for sure!
That’s what I would eventually like to be. And I’m not deterred by the fact that I’m 35 either.
To some, you should have you’re life figured out by then. You’re almost middle aged!
But Life has a way of working in a different way than what you expected. But the dream lives on through marriage, kids, and divorce.
Mark (ex-husband) poo-pooed the idea of me being a writer. Sometimes he was supportive but with everything else that was going on, I was majorly discouraged from writing. I have managed to keep some of my notes and short stories that I have written, and still add onto that.
So what makes me think I could be a writer? Well, throughout my schooling years I was told by all my english teachers plus other teachers that I would have to write essays for, would tell me I had a real good talent for writing. And as the years went by, the teachers never seemed like they were trying to say something nice, but they were consistent. Of course, my papers were not lacking in corrections, but the teachers would make compliments on my style. And all teachers encouraged me to do something with it.
So what kind of writing do I want to get into? Mainly historical fiction. And a bit of sci-fi because I love the idea of time travel. Right now I am working on a story that will mostly take place in Acient Rome. I have not decided whether it will take place before Caesar, after Jesus, or what. Maybe jump around to different eras. Acient Rome lasted a looong time, over 1000 years. The empire was just part of it.
Kristi is also interested in it, which is also part of the reason why I choose a Roman story. She loves (or I should say “loved”. I lost the discs when we moved :() playing Casear IV on the computer, and I would explain the different buildings, classes of people. She loved building her own Roman Empire :). And she watched a documentary that came with it, and looked at My Roman books, and checked out a couple more from the library.
When I told her my idea of writing a story, she loved it. And she wanted to read what I had written which wasn’t much at the time.
And while I was writing the Roman story, which starts of in present day in Somewhere, Some state, USA. I started writing another story changing from a different POV that takes place in the 1950s and I just kept writing. I have not decided whether to combine those.
I have decided to write it the younger set but still enjoyable for “old people” like me. Something like J K Rowling did with her…oh what was that series… She sold one or two copies. OH YEAH! That Harry Potter kid.
And yes, I’m kidding :).
Rowling is an inspiration for me with her writing the first Potter book while being a mom and divorced. That gives me some hope there!
And time for me to go back and deal with being a mom…