Day 3 – Favorite episode – Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge

Favorite Doctor Who episode(s)

Rolling right along with the Doctor Who challenges, we have the hardest question. Hundreds of stories. Only one winner. (“There must be only one” – Highlander voice).

This. This is really difficult.  I could choose one story from each Doctor. Or one from Classic Who and another from New Who.

Hmmmm…. I might do the latter.

Yes, yes, I think I might…

Classic Who (1963-1989)

Just picking one story from the classic era is hard enough.  Seven Doctors. Dozens of companions. Still hundreds of stories.

An Unearthly Child

Have to give it to the one that started everything.  The first part, not so much the caveman story that followed.  Just An Unearthly Child.  What introduces the world to the companions everyday life, their curiosity about one of their students.  The Doctor, who is not very social. And his ship that his granddaughter nick-named the TARDIS – Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.

I have seen this a number of times, and never have gotten tired of it. I love how things have remained, like the console (well, the things on the console and how it looks change over time but the basic purpose has remained). Commenting on how the TARDIS is alive.  The sound of the TARDIS taking off.

New Who (2005-Present)

Not nearly as many stories, but still a difficult pick.

Day of the Doctor

But it goes to The Day of the Doctor, the 50th anniversary episode bonanza.  Multi-Doctor story featuring the 11th, 10th, and a “new” Doctor – the War Doctor.  Had classic bickering of the Doctors yet also finding a way to work together because they knew what was at stake.

Plus a big cameo towards the end, so big it caught me totally by surprise that I tweeted all in caps after I caught my breath. And when I saw it in the theaters a couple days later, everyone in the theater went crazy (and some of us had already seen by then and we were still excited by it).  But I won’t say who it is for any new fans who haven’t seen it yet.  Spoilers 😉

Well, there was another very brief cameo, which everyone also was very excited about and cheered loudly in the theater.   I even had a screen-capture of his eyes on the top of my blog before his episodes even aired because I had a feeling I would like him.

Of, course, there are many, many, episodes/stories that I love,And maybe I’ll write about my “Top Ten episodes”, or something.  But this will have to do for now 🙂


August 3rd, 2018 by