Day 22 – Favorite Christmas Episode

Favorite Doctor Who Christmas Specials

The Christmas episodes have become a annual even since the show returned in 2005. And there are 2….3? Great episodes of them

First is A Christmas Carol, a sci fi spin on Charles Dickens’ classic story (which is, sort of sci fi in itself with the time traveling with the ghosts and Scrooge)

This fan trailer is pretty good too 🙂

And below is one of my favorite scenes.

And the beautiful song:

(And let’s not forget a earlier episode that took place on Christmas, with Dickens, and ghosts, although it did not air on Christmas: The Unquiet Dead.)

Another favorite Christmas episode is The Husbands of River Song.

This one was a lot of fun, Madcap-y, slapstick-y, with some dark overtones, and an introduction to a new character (Nardole).

One of the best scenes is below, when River doesn’t know that she is with the Doctor (she knew all the previous incarnations of the Doctor, except the current one).  So the Doctor sort of plays along with it, but constantly drops hints.  Which brings about the below:

I ma not one for romantic movies or romance novels, but even I was kind of hoping they would kiss at the end.  It was so sweet!

And the other great Christmas episode was the 2016 Return of Doctor Mysterio (this followed exactly a year of no Who. that was a difficult year, in more ways than one).  If you have seen the 1979 Superman movie with Christopher Reeve, the setting and certain scenes will look very familiar.   While I am not really into the current super hero movies, I loved the 1979 Superman movie when I was a kid.  So seeing this was a pure delight.

Below is shortly after we meet young Grant, who loves comic books

And the ending was a call back to Husbands of River Song and 12’s short speech about things ending was very touching.

A couple weeks after this episode aired, Peter Capaldi announced that the following series would be his last.  And a bunch of us cried over that, and referred back to this speech.

Next on the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Favorite Cybermen Story

August 22nd, 2018 by