Category: NerdFighters

August 9th, 2018 by Calvero

It’s a tie. Again.  If I was doing this 4 years ago, there would have been only one.

Series 4

The 10th Doctor and Donna Noble are my favorite Doctor-Companion matchup in New Who and when ever they are together, it’s just wonderful.  Put them in a good story, and that’s even better!

I remember when it was announced that Catherine Tate was going to return, and most fans weren’t that excited because most were “meh” about the Runaway Bride (“Pockets!”).  I don’t remember having much of a feeling either way. But then the series started and with everyone getting more familiar with Donna, a large number of us fell in love with her.  I like Runaway more after series 4 ended. But uuugh, that ending. Heartbreaking sad :'(.

Favorite episodes were The Fires of Pompeii, and The Unicorn And The Wasp.

Also up high are The Doctor’s Daughter and Silence in the Library/Forrest of the Dead, Turn Left, and the Christmas episode that year: The Next Doctor (I kept guessing the whole time if that other guy was really the Doctor or not).  The rest are quite enjoyable (don’t care for Midnight all that much, though many people love it.  Maybe because Donna wasn’t in it?).

I am looking forward to the steelbook of this series (already have 1-3, 9 and 10!)

Series 9

When I saw the trailer for series 9, I was not impressed.  And then I heard that it would be mostly 2 parters, one of those stories being an “under siege” story.  All which I hadn’t really cared for much in the past. So I had low expectations going in.

Then the opening scene happened,

And the boy tells the Doctor his name.

My jaw dropped and said “Nooo waaayy!”, and I was hooked. And later he comes out wearing Ray Bans, playing electric guitar (the Doctor Who theme, btw), on a rolling tank, to a crowd of people (did I mention this is happening during the Middle Ages?)

And Missy was fantastic! Clara and Missy forced to work together was wonderfully wicked. And I loved the second part, “The Witch’s Familiar”

Then “Under The Lake” started.  This was the “under siege” story. And I feel in love with this one as well.  IT was also nice to see a woman being in charge who also had to be deaf.  And don’t even think about messing with her or her crew.  And the cards scene shown below is adorable (I need cards like that!)

And Before the Flood started with the below scene and I was having a blast.

Which was immediately followed by the theme song, a special rock version with Peter Capaldi, the Doctor himself, playing the guitar.

There was actual time travel in this episode! Not only traveling back to the same spot many many years earlier, but then later traveling back again and seeing themselves and the Doctor having to tell the others not to be seen by their otherselves.  I loved that!

The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived were a disappointment,  Didn’t totally buy into the way the reason was given for why 12 chose the face of Caecilius from the Fires of Pompeii story. And Ashildr wasn’t as strong as I was hoping.  Good scene of her and the Doctor talking in her library/study. So much potential in this 2 parter, but fell flat for me.

The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion were very good. More Osgood is always good!.  And that speech at the end! *GASP* So powerful.

Sleep No More gets an A for trying something new with it’s storytelling   Falls kind of flat, but I liked what they were trying to do with it. But every single time I wipe my eyes, I think of this (CURSE YOU GATISS!!)

Face The Raven drives me batty with how much it doesn’t make sense – in a bad way.  Loads of fans love it but I tried watching it again a couple month ago to see if time would change my mind, and I disliked it even more the second time than the first.  One thing it had that I did like was similarities to a certain John Green book, Paper Towns, but in this episode it’s trap streets rather than paper towns. By coincidence(?), for the Doctor Who The Fan Show where they discussed this episode, one of the guests was Rosianna Halse Rojas who was/is John’s assistant. And I loved her Q&A 🙂 NERDFIGHTERS!)  Well, the other thing I liked was the Doctor’s velvet coat. And the line “You’ll find it is a very small universe when I’m angry with you” was very, very good.

Heaven’s Sent was amazing with it’s successful different storytelling angle, much stronger than Sleep No ore. Wonderfully directed by Rachel Talalay.

And while many loved Face the Raven, it seems like just as many hate Hell Bent.  And I love it.  The repeating throughout the series of the Doctor’s “duty of care” of Clara (well, all of his companions, really) is very moving.  And this story was also directed by Rachel Talalay.

I’ll end this here.  One day, I might do a more analysis of the episodes from both series, but these are my major ones 🙂

Next in the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Favorite Theme Song


Posted in Doctor Who, John Green, NerdFighters, television Tagged with: , , , , ,

February 9th, 2015 by Calvero

It’s the greatest thing in the world!

Okay, maybe not, but it’s my first vlog. I did something a little different than most. I just shot some of my books (yes, it’s just a part of my book collection), along with some of my DVD/Blu ray box sets, and a Smothers Brothers record album.

What’s shown ranges from childhood (Snoopy!) to recent loves (Warehouse 13! The Fault in Our Stars!), and some are childhood loves that I recently acquired (Dick Van Dyke Show! Mork and Mindy! Doctor Who!)

I also used this video to experiment with a few things.  Some of my goals that I met are:

  • muting the sound of the video
  • having music not start at the beginning, but a few seconds in
  • just basic editing of the video clips and putting them together in the right order
  • just making the thing and uploading it and not letting fear from keeping me from doing so

Those may seem like small things, but it’s all a learning curve.  And a good healthy dose of confidence.

What I liked about it:

  • the accidental recording that I ended up using at the beginning.  When I loaded all the bits into the editor, I saw that and thought “I could use that!”
  • that I did the thing! YAY!

It’s not the greatest thing ever, but I’m glad I did it, and looking forward to all the things I will learn from it :).

The future…

So what have I got for the future?  Taking on the Doctor Who Tag started by YouTuber Luke Spillane. That was one of the things that got me going on finally making a vlog.  And I also plan on talking about Sherlock Holmes, having been born with a cleft lip and palate and all that it entails, and whatever else I come up with.

Oh, and I have another channel as well.  A gaming channel where I have begun to play Assassin’s Creed (the first one). I love the series and thought why not start off with the first one?

Posted in books, Charlie Chaplin, classic comedy, Doctor Who, John Green, NerdFighters, Nostalgia, Peanuts, Personal, Sherlock Holmes, Smothers Brothers, Vlog, Warehouse 13, YouTube Tagged with: , , , ,

July 22nd, 2014 by Calvero

So it was about this day 7 years ago that I was visiting one of my favorite sites, YouTube, and on their front page were featured videos, for that day and the few previous days.  And I saw one that had a young guy with glasses on and the video was titled: “July 18: Accio Deathly Hallows (no spoilers)

Now, I wasn’t a huge Harry Potter fan. I did like the movies, and a I had a few of the books and (I think) began reading “Sorcerer’s Stone”, but not much beyond that. But the video title intrigued me and so I clicked on it….

…. little knowing what kind of magic door I was about to step through

I had landed in NerdFighteria!

Hank Green’s video is now legendary in the land of Nerdfghtearia, and it’s hard to say how many ripples it has cast.

I don’t remember if I watched any of their other videos that night, but the first one of his brother John’s I first watched–

July 25: Brotherhood 2.0’s Youtube Comments Are Answered!

July 27: How Nerdfighters Drop Insults

Not sure. If I knew where my TARDIS is, I would take a step back in time, but I don’t have one handy :/ But it turned out to be a very helpful, and in some ways therapeutic, discovery. A couple days after I first watched Accio, I discovered that my then-husband was having an affair. John’s Shakespearean insults was a humorous way of my dealing with my intense anger and bitterness I had at that time (“carcass fit for hounds” (Julius Caesar Act 2, Scene 1)…. bwahaha!).

Back then I was working a late shift, ending at midnight, and what I would look forward to was watching Hank or John’s video from that day (Back then, they did one every weekday, alternating days). And that was a great help, one of several during that time in my life. I have always liked how they balanced their subjects of their videos varying from humrous vlogs, to educating their audience about world events/issues, sharing their traveling adeventures, whatever came up was well worth watching for me.

Since then I have met John, participated in some way in the Project for Awesome charity fundraising every year (here’s some highlights from last year. I have yet to make a video for that!), enjoyed their Crash Course (fun educational videos), playing video games ( I blame Hank for becoming addicted to Assassin’s Creed), love watching John and his once camera shy wife Sarah (nicknamed the Yeti) in The Art Assignment, bought stuff from their store (a rock group playing songs about Doctor Who? What is this madness?) and of course their regular channel.

Oh, and I’ve read John’s books 😉

Here’s to (at least) 7 more awesome years! DFTBA!

Posted in John Green, NerdFighters, YouTube Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

October 29th, 2008 by Calvero

Last Thursday, Kristi and I had a great time meeting John Green! He was doing a book signing at a Barnes & Noble in Orlando, which is not only where he and Hank grew up, but also where Paper Towns takes place.

I was not sure I was able to go that day, but things worked out and I a short work day.  At the last minute I figure out that I will be able to go and I ask Kristi if she wants to go.  She had no school the next day (it was a teach work day or something) so I thought it would be a great mom/daughter night out.

“YES!” she said excitiedly.  She has  been watching several of John and Hank’s YouTube videos and have loved them .  And being at a book signing would be even better since she wants to grow up to be a writer the same as me :).

I told her that she had to finish her homework in order to go. And she stuck to it!  She finished before the pizza guy came with the pizzas.  She also made a sign for John and Hank that said “John Green and Hank….ROCK!!” and colored the background green (of course!).

I quickly ate pizza (I was starving!) but not too much because I did not want to have a stomach ache. Designated driver 😉

The event started at 7.  According to Google Maps, it would take a little over an hour without going on toll roads.  With it raining and windy, I added on a few more minutes.  I virtually “drove” through some of the turns on Google Maps to get familiar with landmarks for specific turns.  That saved me at least 10 minutes.  In the old days (before the internet) I would do a dry run to find out where an event was because my vision is very bad.  I can’t read the name of a street until I’m practically passed it. And this time with Kristi in the car, who has perfect vision, and who doesn’t need to be focused on the road so she could read the signs, we were just a few minutes late :).

The Barnes and Noble was part of a large shopping center.  I didn’t see a mall, just rows of shops & restaraunts and a big Barnes & Noble that took up a big corner section.  We carefully crossed the divided up parking lot (pretty busy for a Thursday!) and went inside.

We headed towards the back of the store where I saw a large crowd and the sound of John’s voice (Hank wasn’t there, darn it! 🙁 ).  I had brought both a video camera and a photo camera, and turned on the video camera.  Where I was standing, I could see John, but Kristi could not.  I looked down while recording and saw Kristi looking sad while trying to peek though the people.  So I moved down the right side in a book aisle.  Still too many people.  Down another aisle. That didn’t work either.  Finally the last aisle worked.  There were just a few people standing there, and it was closer to John!  There was an empty spot a little ahead of me and I suggested to Kristi to stand there.  It was perfect for her!

While I was doing all of the moving around, I had the camera recording because John was talking about the meaning of the book and how we relate to each other on how we think we see ourselves.  He also talked about how a book by self has no meaning, it’s the reader that interprets it and puts meaning to it.

After his talk, he had a question and answer session.  I was too excited to think of a question (of course later on I though of a few).

And then came time for the signing of the books!  John said that in addition to him signing books and anything else “except skin!”, he asked everyone to sign a copy of Paper Towns that he would take with him.

We were really lucky standing where we were because that’s the area where they started the line for the signing.  Kristi and I only had to wait a few minutes to get to John.  While waiting, Kristi signed his book (wrote her name in bautiful cursive along with a message “John and Hank Green Rock!”) and I wrote “Thanks for coming to Orlando!” and just printed my name (no fancy cursive from me).

Up came our turn.  I brought the book that I had bought the previous Friday.  The woman who was preparing everyone for the signing asks me if I want the book  inscribed.

“Yes!” I said with excitement

“What’s the name?”


I had Kristi hold the video camera while John signed my book.

“Would you like a picture?” another lady there asked me.  She was the official picture taking person.  I had tried to take still pictures during Johns’ talk and they either came out dark or fuzzy.  So I had little hope that another one would work.  But I thought “what the heck” and gave the picture taking woman my photo camera.

Meanwhile I’m standing in front of John.

“Hi there!” he says to me and looks down to get ready to sign. I couldn’t think of anything to say so I just introduced my daughter to him as he signed the book.

“Hi!” he says to Kristi.  I could tell he was tired but was sincerely glad and surprised with all the people who were there.

We walk around the table to have the picture taken with him. I get by John and Kristi stands on my other side, so I moved her over in between John and me. While posing, I’m thinking “This will *not* turn out.”  After the picture, I thanks him for signing the book and the picture, and then Kristi gave John her sign.

“Is this for me?” he asked excitedly.

“Yes” Kristi says with a big smile on her face.

“Thank you! It’s so sweet!  Thank you very very much!”

“And make sure to show your brother!”

“I definitely will, I promise.”

We left the signing table and wandered around the store for a few minutes, and then I remember that I had wanted to get the other cover to Paper Towns.  I excused my self through the line to grab the happy Margo cover and scooted out of everyone else’s way.

We went up to the check out desk.  While waiting in line I was worried about the book I brought in, but then noticed the sticker on the back with the other store’s information. Whew!

After buying the book, we looked around at the other books.  Kristi saw a couple workbooks that she wanted along with a couple Pokemon books.  I told her I would buy the workbooks, but if she wanted the others, she would have to spend her own money.  So she put the Pokemon books back.

Then I thought of having John sign the book that I just got, and have it inscribed to Kristi.  While she is too young for his books yet (they are not really dirty but they deal with teenager subjects), I certainly would let her read them when she was ready for them.

While waiting in line, I met and chatted with Nichole who worked at the B&N but had that night off and she came in to see John.  She said that she was in the back room talking with John while he was doing a live video stream on blogtv before coming out.  She was waiting in line to have her book signed as well.  She said she didn’t think of having him sign it while they were in the back room.

I had waited for a while after getting the book before getting in line again.  I wanted to make sure that all the people who came in late (one person came in just as we were lining up the first time “You mean I missed his talk? Man!”) got to get in line before I stood in line a second time.

Nerdfighters don’t cut in line, especailly among other Nerdfighters! 🙂

There was a split in the line and Nichole called over to have the others in the other end to come behind us.  No fighting or arguing, everyone just calmly walked over behind us and waited.

So we approached – again – and I told John that we were in line again to have anotehr book signed for Kristi.

“Hi Kristi!  Thanks for standing in line again.  That’s pretty awesome of you,” he says while signing

“Yeah!” Kristi says with a small giggle.

“I hope you enjoy reading this,” he says and hands her the book.

“I won’t be letting her read it for a while,” I add.

“Not for a few years yet,” John says looking at me with a serious look which surprised me for some reason.

So we left the line again and wandered around the store more.  We headed over to the classic literature display where I named off the stories there and gave Kristi a brief description of them.  She picked out Dracula and Frankenstein, I guess because of Halloween coming up.

It was a few minutes after 9 when I hear John walking past us with a couple of friends.  Kristi calls out to him.

“John!” she says, not really yelling but a little louder than a normal voice.

He turned around.  And I begin to get nervous, and afriad that Kristi might say something embarressing.

“Yes?” he says with his huge backpack that carried his laptop

“Can you show my sign in your next Brotherhood 2.0 video?”

“I’ll sure try to” he says says and laughs.

“And can you do your happy dance? Because I really love it!”

“I will. Thank you so much . You are so sweet!”

With that we thanked him and he headed towards the checkout desk (there was some talk of him buying something for his friend)

We headed out the door, across the parking lot streets and through sprinklers.

It was an awesome experince, and great to hear at the event that John made #5 on the New York Times Best Seller List! (I had not seen Hank’s video made earlier that day making the announcement) YAY for John!  It was his first time, and as he said in other people’s videos who recorded the same event, it takes some doing to get listed.

And that was my Paper Towns Adventure, or rather Adventures!  And who knows, maybe there are more adventures to come! 🙂

Maybe I’ll be listed there one day!

Posted in John Green, NerdFighters, YouTube Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

October 27th, 2008 by Calvero

First, what the heck is Paper Towns?  It’s a brand new book (released last Friday) by a certain Mr. John Green, author of young adult fiction and along with his brother, Hank, is a NerdFighter.

Although it’s aimed at the teen/early 20s crowd, older readers like me seem to like it. (I have not finished reading it yet, but have enjoyed it a lot so far). Takes place in Orlando, Florida and is about a teen boy named Quentin, aka Q, and his friendship with Margo Roth Spiegelman.

So here’s how I bought my copy:

I’ve known about this book since John read parts of it on his and Hank’s YouTube channel. And when it came time for the release of the book, I was determined to go and get me a copy.  I went to the local used book store where they also carry new books in the hopes they would have it.  I asked the lady behind the counter if they had it.  She wasn’t familiar with it, looked it up and said it would not get there until the next Tuesday.


I talked to her and another woman behind the counter about the book, who wrote it, and that he grew up in Orlando and that the book also takes place in Orlando.  They certainly seemed interested in the book and after chatting a bit more, I left.  A bit disheartened that I did not get it but glad that I was able to talk about it with them.

I headed home and on the way back, I figured that I would head over to another book store later that day after Katie woke up from her nap. Which is what I did.

Rushed down to another book store and looked for the book in the Teen section.  I found his others: Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and one of the stories in Let It Snow: Three Holiday Stories. And I was soooo tempted on buying those. But money being what it is, I decided to just look for Paper Towns.

Not finding it, I went up front to the check out desk and asked the woman there.  There was no one else at the desk so she wasn’t able to come and help me find exactly where it was, but she looked it up and offered a couple places of where to look.  One being the teens section, the other being one of the tables down the middle of the store.

Looked at one table. Nope. Another. Nope.  Meanwhile I pushed Katie in her stroller.  Whenever I stopped to look, she would get fussy.

Looking down all the tables, I decided to look at the Teens section again.  And there it was, in a different segment of the bookshelf, and not with all his other ones.

There have been two different covers for PT made, both having Margo on the cover.  One is bright with a yellow background with her smiling.  The other is dark, blue background, and Margo is looking sad. The store only had dark Margo.  So I grab it, buy it, and head home….

The exciting part happens the following week when I meet John Green!

Here’s a vid of John reading a rough draft of PT last year. I love the visuals that he puts in it:

Posted in books, John Green, NerdFighters Tagged with: , , , , , ,