Day 25 – Least Favorite Episode – Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge

Clara and the Raven - Face the Raven - Doctor Who

This one is tricky.  It’s harder to decide on a least favorite than it is on a most favorite!  There are the meh/mediocre stories that I simply don’t find very interesting.  There can be some good lines or scenes but as a whole they do not grab my attention that much.

No Classic stories jump to mind.  I even like weird ones like Ghostlight. Maybe the Gunfighters? Because of ALL THAT SINGING! Now, I like musicals (The Greatest Showman! *Faints*), but this just did not work in this story. At all.

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I really didn’t like series 2 much, except for School Reunion.

Even in my post on one of my two favorite series, with my favorite Doctor (other than Tom), I really did not like Face the Raven.  It just got me mad because it did not make sense – in a bad way (yeah, the show has way more than one instance of not making sense, but most of the time it doesn’t bother me), and that Clara’s death didn’t seem to mean anything. Frankly, I was glad she was brought back in Hell Bent (and a lot of people did not like Hell Bent). And when I re-watched it earlier this year, I as even more mad because it made even less sense. Though I do want to re-watch it again, to see if I am missing something.  And maybe one day I will go into more depth of why I don’t like it…

Next on the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Favorite Couple

August 25th, 2018 by