Day 26 – Favorite Couple – Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge

11th Doctor, River, Amy, adnd Rory

This one is a bit easier than the last!  Since I already named my OTP and Favorite Friendship, that helps narrow it down.  So time for another tie!  And it’s a family affair!

The Ponds, or rather, the Williams, and their daughter and no-good son-in-law.

River and the Doctor

How characters are introduced is one of the best things about Doctor Who, especially in New Who where an introduction can be built up over time (see: Missy). We first meet River Song with the 10th Doctor and Donna in series 4 in Silence in the Library. River knows very well who the Doctor is but he has no idea who she is. Even though they are married (Ah, the timey wimey!).

We don’t catch up with her again until the following series with the 11th Doctor with Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone.  And the wonderful The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.

Now, normally I don’t like the Doctor being romantically involved with his companions (in fact, I don’t care for romantic stories in general because they are usually cliché ), but River was a different case.  And it was an interesting because she appears older than her parents (the River Song version, that is, not Mels), and she’s part Time Lord/Lady due to the Time Vortex, and she’s really handy with a gun (a little too much to the Doctor’s liking) and a .archeologist (a little too much to the Doctor’s liking XD ).

And how she was with the 12th Doctor was adorable. Most of The Husbnads of River Song, she doesn’t know who he really is.  And it was so sweet when she does realize it.

Amy and Rory

And now to River’s parents, Amy and Rory.  From the time they were kids, and then teens, and Rory going into the medical field because he wanted to impress Amy because she talked about how amazing the Doctor was. They were adorable together, and I loved how committed they were to each other, even the alternate Rory as the plastic Roman solider waiting 2,000 years to keep Amy safe in the Pandorica.  Amy’s face when she realizes that with River and the Doctor married, that makes her his mother-in-law. And how, when the weeping angel took him away, she went with him, knowing that she won’t see the Doctor again (*sniff*). And we see their names on the tombstone (*sob*).

On a up note, some of the best episodes were where the 4 of them are together (The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, A Good Man Goes to War, Let’s Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song, The Angels Take Manhattan). They make a great Tardis team :).

Next on the Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge – Favorite Soundtrack

August 26th, 2018 by